Friday, July 27, 2012

Mouse Emulator

Is your mouse broken, or did you just forget it? Or maybe you are having USB driver problems, and your mouse isn't working. With Mouse Emulator, you can still use your computer.

Yust run the program, and it will show you which keys you have to press to move the mouse cursor. For more information, check the readme or read the manual on this page.

This program is also very usefull for laptop owners with low quality mouses. Just hold down the Fn key, and you can use the numeric keypad in the center of your keyboard to move the mouse!

Mouse Emulator can also toggle mouse buttons with a simple key press. This is very useful for RSI users that have problems with drag operations with the mouse.

The program recognizes the following keys: (NumLock must be ON!)
  • Keypad 1 - Left mouse button
  • Keypad 2 - Right mouse button
  • Keypad 3 - Middle mouse button
  • Keypad 4, 5, 6, 8 - Moves the mouse left, down, right and/or up respectively.
  • Keypad 7 - Mousewheel up (Scroll)
  • Keypad 9 - Mousewheel down (Scroll)
  • Keypad / - Toggle Left mouse button (Useful for RSI users)
  • Keypad * - Toggle Right mouse button (Useful for RSI users)
  • Keypad - - Toggle Middle mouse button (Useful for RSI users)
You can exit Mouse Emulator by right clicking on the mouse icon in the taskbar.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Linux File System Structure

1. / – Root
  • Every single file and directory starts from the root directory.
  • Only root user has write privilege under this directory.
  • Please note that /root is root user’s home directory, which is not same as /.
2. /bin – User Binaries
  • Contains binary executables.
  • Common linux commands you need to use in single-user modes are located under this directory.
  • Commands used by all the users of the system are located here.
  • For example: ps, ls, ping, grep, cp.
3. /sbin – System Binaries
  • Just like /bin, /sbin also contains binary executables.
  • But, the linux commands located under this directory are used typically by system aministrator, for system maintenance purpose.
  • For example: iptables, reboot, fdisk, ifconfig, swapon
4. /etc – Configuration Files
  • Contains configuration files required by all programs.
  • This also contains startup and shutdown shell scripts used to start/stop individual programs.
  • For example: /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/logrotate.conf
5. /dev – Device Files
  • Contains device files.
  • These include terminal devices, usb, or any device attached to the system.
  • For example: /dev/tty1, /dev/usbmon0
6. /proc – Process Information
  • Contains information about system process.
  • This is a pseudo filesystem contains information about running process. For example: /proc/{pid} directory contains information about the process with that particular pid.
  • This is a virtual filesystem with text information about system resources. For example: /proc/uptime
7. /var – Variable Files
  • var stands for variable files.
  • Content of the files that are expected to grow can be found under this directory.
  • This includes — system log files (/var/log); packages and database files (/var/lib); emails (/var/mail); print queues (/var/spool); lock files (/var/lock); temp files needed across reboots (/var/tmp);
8. /tmp – Temporary Files
  • Directory that contains temporary files created by system and users.
  • Files under this directory are deleted when system is rebooted.
9. /usr – User Programs
  • Contains binaries, libraries, documentation, and source-code for second level programs.
  • /usr/bin contains binary files for user programs. If you can’t find a user binary under /bin, look under /usr/bin. For example: at, awk, cc, less, scp
  • /usr/sbin contains binary files for system administrators. If you can’t find a system binary under /sbin, look under /usr/sbin. For example: atd, cron, sshd, useradd, userdel
  • /usr/lib contains libraries for /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
  • /usr/local contains users programs that you install from source. For example, when you install apache from source, it goes under /usr/local/apache2
10. /home – Home Directories
  • Home directories for all users to store their personal files.
  • For example: /home/john, /home/nikita
11. /boot – Boot Loader Files
  • Contains boot loader related files.
  • Kernel initrd, vmlinux, grub files are located under /boot
  • For example: initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic, vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
12. /lib – System Libraries
  • Contains library files that supports the binaries located under /bin and /sbin
  • Library filenames are either ld* or lib*.so.*
  • For example:,
13. /opt – Optional add-on Applications
  • opt stands for optional.
  • Contains add-on applications from individual vendors.
  • add-on applications should be installed under either /opt/ or /opt/ sub-directory.
14. /mnt – Mount Directory
  • Temporary mount directory where sysadmins can mount filesystems.
15. /media – Removable Media Devices
  • Temporary mount directory for removable devices.
  • For examples, /media/cdrom for CD-ROM; /media/floppy for floppy drives; /media/cdrecorder for CD writer
16. /srv – Service Data
  • srv stands for service.
  • Contains server specific services related data.
  • For example, /srv/cvs contains CVS related data.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Difference between Switch and Hub
                           Switch                                          HUB
a.             Works at layer 2                               works at layer 1
b.             Uses MAC address for packet         uses broadcast for packet forwarding
c.             Does not required CSMA/CD          requires CSMA/CD
d.             Faster than HUB                              Slower than Switch
e.             Full-duplex                                        Half-duplex
f.             high throughput                                   Low throughput

 What is bandwidth of of CAT5 & CAT 6 cables?
Answer: CAT 5 - 100 Mbps, CAT 6 – 1000 Mbps

What is the recommended CAT5 cable length between switch and PC ?
Answer: 100 meters

When to use cross cable and straight cable
Answer: Similar device = cross cable
•              Switch to switch
•              PC to PC
•              Hub to HUB
•              Switch to HUB
•              PC to router
•              router to router
Unsimilar device = straight cable
•              PC to switch
•              PC to HUB
•              Router to Switch
Difference between domain and workgroup
                          Domain                                             Workgroup
A.            centralized network model                         Decentralized network
B.            Domain is controlled by DC                       No centralized control
C.            Centralized login                                        Local login
D.            centralized user database                           local user data based
E.            Easy and centralized management               NA
F.             good for large network                              good for small network

Explain in short about all 7 layers of OSI
•              Application layer - user interface and application Data conversion
•              Presentation layer - and transformation keep data of diff
•              Session layer - application separately end to end connectivity
•              Transport layer - using port numbers, logical addressing like IP
•              Network layer - address. Physical addressing like MAC
•              Data link layer - address. Physical transmission of data using
•              Physical layer - O's and l's.
 Define Active directory service
Answer: ADS is a new logical network model of windows 2000 and 2003 which includes forest, trees, domain, etc.

What if forest. ?
Answer: forest is collection of single or multiple trees.

What is trees?
Answer: Trees are collection of single or multiple domain arrange in hierarchy using child-parent relationship.

Which authentication protocols are supported by ADS?
Answer: NTLM and Kerberos

What is Global Catalog?
Answer: GC is a DC which maintains full copy of local domain parti on and partial copy of entire forest.

What is function of LDAP?
Answer: LDAP is a protocol used to query or access active directory database. It uses port 389.

What are the requirements for ADS?
A)            Windows 2000/2003 Server Operating System
b)            TCP/IP protocol and IP address
c)             Network Card with Active state
d)            NTFS partition

What is Sysvol?
Answer: Sysvol (System Volume) a special folder located on NTFS partition of DC for storing domain public files like logon script, GPO templates, etc. The contents of sysvol folder are replicated to all DC in a domain.
Difference between FAT32 and NTFS
                            FAT32                                                  NTFS
a.         Supported by win9x, 2000, 2003, xp         supported by NT, 2000, 2003, xp
b.         Remote security                                          Local security
c.         NA                                                             compression and encryption
d.         NA                                                             Hot Fixing
e.         NA                                                             Shadow copy and Disk quota

Difference between Basic disk and dynamic disk
      Basic Disk                                                Dynamic disk
partition are created                                      Volumes are created
can be converted to dynamic                         cannot be converted to basic
grouping of disk not allowed                          grouping of disk are allowed
No data redundancy                                     data redundancy using RAID 1/5
partition table is at start                                  Partition table is at end

Explain about RAID-1
A.            Min. and max. 2 hard disk
b.             If any one disk fails data can be recovered from other disk.
c.             50% space wastage.
D.            no read/write performance improvement.
E.            good for storing Operating system.

Explain about RAID-5
A.            data is stored in distributed format across all the disk
B.            min 3 max. 32
C.            if any one disk fails data can be recovered using parity.
D.            parity space wastage eg. parity = total space \ no of disk.
E.            good for storing data.

Can we convert FAT32 to NTFS? How?
Answer: you can convert FAT32 partition to NTFS using convert.exe command.
Eg . convert /fs:ntfs

What is mounting?
Answer: mounting is a process of assigning or mapping of the folder to a drive.

What is RAID?
Answer: RAID is a technology of grouping disk in order to provide more space and redundancy. There are total 54 RAID method. Windows 2003 support RAID 0, 1 and 5.

What is difference between mirroring and duplexing?
Answer: Mirroring requires single controller and duplexing requires two controllers.
What is Web Server?
Answer: Web server is a server or application server which host or stores websites. Every web site should have a name like and IP address. Eg. IIS, Apache server, etc.

What is mail server?
Answer: Mail server is a software which maintains user mailboxes, eg : Exchange server , Lotus domino, etc.

What is mail client?
Answer: software used by client to access to mails stores on mail server, using mail client software you can send mail and receive mail. Eg: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus notes, etc.

What is Proxy server?
Answer: It is software used for sharing of internet connection.
E.g. Wingate, Win proxy, Analog proxy, etc.

Port numbers for various application and services
There are total 65536 ports available. Below are the lists of some well-known ports.
LDAP              :      389
Global catalog:   
Kerberos         :     88
DNS               :      53
SMTP             :      25
POP3              :     110
Telnet             :      23
NNTP             :     119
IMAP             :      143
RPC                :     135
HTTP             :       80
HTTPS/SSL   :      443
FTP                 :     21

What is firewall?
Answer: It is software used to provide security to your network by not allowing unauthorized access to your internal network from External users. Eg: PIX firewall, Checkpoint firewall, etc.

Active Directory Interview Question & Answer

1.         What is Active Directory schema?
Answer:  The schema is the Active Directory component that defines all the objects and attributes that the directory service uses to store data.

2.         What is global catalog server?
Answer: The global catalog is the set of all objects in an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) forest. A global catalog server is a domain controller that stores a full copy of all objects in the directory for its host domain and a partial, read-only copy of all objects for all other domains in the forest.

3.         Which is the default protocol used in directory services?
Answer: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

4.         What is IPv6?
Answer: IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol Version 6". IPv6 is the Internet's next-generation protocol, designed to replace the current Internet Protocol, IP Version 4. IPv4 allows to connect 4.3 billion IP address, where as IPv6 allows 340 trillion IP addresses to be used.

5.         What is the default domain functional level in Windows Server 2003?
Answer: Mixed mode functional level

6.         What are the physical & logical components of ADS?
Answer: The physical component of Active directory contain all the physical subnet present   in your network like domain controllers and replication between domain controllers.
      The logical structures of active directory include forest, domains, tree, OUs and global catalogs.

7.         What is multimaster replication?
Answer: Multi-master replication is a method of database replication which allows data to be stored by a group of computers, and updated by any member of the group

8.         What is a site?
Answer:  Sites in Active Directory® represent the physical structure, or topology, of your network. Active Directory uses topology information, stored as site and site link objects in the directory, to build the most efficient replication topology. You use Active Directory Sites and Services to define sites and site links. A site is a set of well-connected subnets. Sites differ from domains; sites represent the physical structure of your network, while domains represent the logical structure of your organization.

9.         Which is the command used to remove active directory from a domain controller?
Answer: Dcpromo /forceremoval

10.       What is trust?
Answer: To allow users in one domain to access resources in another, Active Directory uses trusts.
Trusts inside a forest are automatically created when domains are created. The forest sets the default boundaries of trust, and implicit, transitive trust is automatic for all domains within a forest.

11.       What is the file that’s responsible for keep all Active Directory database?
ANSWER: 1. ntds.dit : This is the main database file for active directory.

2. edb.log : When a transaction performed to ad database, like writing some data first the data will be stored to this file. And after that it will be sent to database. So the system performance will be depends on how this data from edb.log file will be written to ntds.dit
3. res1.log : Used as reserve space in the case when drive had low space. It is basically 10MB in size and creted when we run dcpromo.
4. res2.log : Same as res1.log. It is also 10MB in size and the purspose also same.
5. edb.chk : This file records the transactions committed to ad database. During shutdown, shutdown statement is written to this file. If it is not found when the system rebooted, the ad database tries to check with edb.log for the updated information.

12.       What is the SYSVOL folder?
Answer: All active directory data base security related information store in SYSVOL folder and its only created on NTFS partition.

13.       What are application partitions? When do I use them?
Answer: Application directory partitions: These are specific to Windows Server 2003 domains.
An application directory partition is a directory partition that is replicated only to specific domain controllers. A domain controller that participates in the replication of a particular application directory partition hosts a replica of that partition. Only Domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 can host a replica of an application directory partition.

14.       What is the Global Catalog?
The global catalog contains a complete replica of all objects in Active Directory for its Host domain, and contains a partial replica of all objects in Active Directory for every other domain in the forest.

15.       Feature of AD?
Answer: Fully Integrated Security, integration with DNS, Policy Based Administration, Scalable, Flexible, Extensible, inter operability with other directory services.

16.       What is structure of AD?
Logical & Physical

17.       What is the Component of AD?
Logical Structure: Domains, Tress, Forests and OU.
Physical Structure: Sites and Domain Controllers.

18.       What is a Domain?
Domain is collection of computers connected together with a server and users.

19.       What is a Tree?
Tree is a logical component of AD, is a collection of domains which share contiguous.

20.       What is a Forest?
Collection of trees which contain domains

21.       What is a child DC?
CDC is a sub domain controller under root domain controller which share name space.

22.       What is a roll of ADC?
It maintains backup of AD to provide fault tolerance and network load balancing.

23.       What are the tools found after installing a DC?
Active Directory User and Computers,
Active Directory Sites and Services,
Active Directory Domain & Trust,
Domain Controller Security Policy,
Domain Security Policy

24.       What is the diff. functional level of 2003?
Domain functional level & Forest functional level

25.       What is a standalone server?
Server which is not a part of domain

26.       What is a Schema?
Schema is design of AD, defines objects and classes, set of rules.

27.       What is an FSMO?
Flexible Single Master Operation

28.       What is the diff. operation master of 2003?
Schema Master, Domain Naming Master, PDC Emulator, Infrastructure Master, RID Masters.

29.       What is a Schema Master?
Is responsible for overall management, structure and design of schema Only one schema master in entire forest

30.       What is domain naming master?
Is responsible for addition or removal of domains and maintaining unique domain names only one domain naming master in entire forest

31.       What is a PDC Emulator?
Is responsible for providing backup compatibility for NT BDCs, in mixed mode it acts like a PDC for BDCs. It updates the password changes, synchronizes time between DCs. Only one PDC Emulator per domain.

32.       What is infrastructure Master?
Is responsible for updating user and group information and updating Global Catalog Only one infrastructure master per domain

33.       What is RID Master?
Relative identifier is responsible for assigning unique IDs to the object s created in the AD. Only one RID Master per domain.